One Hour Later…

This happened:


It was one of those moments…those simple moments, that just made me think.  I guess an hour or two walk will do that as well.

You see the day started off with my husband taking my car to get an oil change before we head to a family reunion.  He’s good at that!  Oil changes are things I tend to forget or put off, or rarely get.  jaja.  I digress.

It’s a beautiful day and instead of having our normal learning time this morning, I thought we’d take it outside.  I knew there was a park nearby and was excited to walk to it and let my 2 year old play on the playground while I played with Lucia.  I knew they would love it.  I mean who doesn’t love the park?  So this morning as I was packing everything to go I told Gabriel, “Get ready buddy, we are going to walk to the park this morning”.

Lucia in the Baby Bjorn, Backpack diaper bag on my back, and Gabriel in the stroller…

Off we went… and went… and walked… and walked… and walked…

So I might have mistaken the distance from our home to the park.

I can’t tell you how many times I kept thinking, I’m just going to turn around and go home.  Let’s be honest, Gabriel probably won’t care.  He’d be just as happy in our Toddler Lot in our complex.  He probably just thinks we were going for a walk anyway.

But here’s the thing.  I told him.  I said I was going to do something.  And to me that is important.  Now don’t get me wrong, I know sometimes no matter how hard you try, follow through can be tricky but I don’t want to live behind excuses.  I don’t want my children to think that my word is not worth anything, that their word is not worth anything.

Gabriel sat in his stroller patiently the whole time, and we talked about all we saw.  It was a great time together.  Lucia of course napped ;).  And when we finally got there, he couldn’t wait to get up and run and play with the other children.  It was a wonderful time for everyone and I got to sit and rest for a minute.

Both napped on the walk back and so I had plenty of time to think about this topic.  I want to be a mother, a friend, a wife, a woman of character that even in the easiest moments to quit or the moments that may seem minuscule, that I follow through or at least give my all…  I want my word to matter and to be considered trustworthy.

Now, I may have to just wait a few days before we walk to the park again…But we will do it again ;).  You can count on that!